Thursday, January 29, 2009

Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) Biography: Al-Amin (The Trustworthy)....

It had rained heavily and continuously for a long period, and the water poured down towards the Holy Kaaba in Masjid al-Haram, the big mosque in Makkah. The Holy Kaaba was in the lower section of Makkah. This flood had shaken the foundations of the Holy Kaaba and cracked its walls. Besides, the Holy Kaaba had no ceiling and the treasures it housed were exposed to robbery...

So the rebuilding of the Holy Kaaba was started. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), like the others, helped in the work till the Holy Kaaba was leveled. The work progressed well enough until Hajar al-Aswad, the sacred Black Stone, was to be put back in its place in the East wall of the Holy Kaaba...

Each quarter of the Holy Kaaba was being built by one leading family of Quraish - the big and prominent tribe of Makkah. Each family of Quraish felt the honor of placing Hajar al-Aswad, the sacred Black Stone, belonging to them. So serious was the matter that members of the clan of Banu Abad al Dar brought a bowl full of blood and dipping their hands in it swore never to relinquish their honor...

The disagreement became deeper, and led to a lot of argument, shouting and abuse. The members of each big family were thinking that a war was going to break out; none of them were willing to change his position. They regarded it as a great insult if they didn't have that special honor of putting Hajar al-Aswad, the sacred Black Stone, back in its place...

Abu Umayyah, powerful and respected in Makkan society, used his influence and said to the people of Makkah, Let the first person to pass through the gate of the Haram (precincts of the Holy Kaaba) tomorrow first in the morning be our arbitrator. All agreed, since that sounded like a good suggestion...
They anxiously waited next morning to see who was the first to come and enter the Holy Kaaba. Suddenly they heard footsteps heading towards them. It was Mohammed (pbuh), the son of Abdullah. Everyone, of course, knew, loved, admired and respected Mohammed (pbuh), the son of Abdullah. So with a loud voice, everyone said, "Here comes Al-Amin (The Trustworthy)" and the joyous voice echoed through the place over and over again. We will accept his verdict! For indeed he was known to everyone as Al-Amin, the trustworthy!

Mohammed (pbuh), the son of Abdullah was surprised to hear of that title with which they called him. He was told about what the people of Quraish were fighting for. It was all silent for a while. Everyone thought his family was going to be favored. Their hearts were beating hard and they were getting anxious and impatient...

Mohammed (pbuh), the son of Abdullah put his robe on the floor, took Hajar al-Aswad, the sacred Black Stone, and put it in the centre of the robe and said. "The chief of each family will take one corner of the robe and lift it together." With that, each understood a marvelous example of justice in sharing the honor. It showed how Mohammed (pbuh), the son of Abdullah's intelligence far exceeded those around him. It also showed his great capacity to solve difficult problems with such ease...

When the robe with Hajar al-Aswad, the sacred Black Stone, was lifted to a reasonable height. Mohammed (pbuh), the son of Abdullah took Hajar al-Aswad, the sacred Black Stone and put it in its proper place by his own hands. None felt insulted and each had his share of the privilege and honor...

To reconcile a fiery people in those turbulent times required great wisdom and tact which was so well displayed by the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) in this incident in his life which took place before his call to Prophethood. It is also clear that he enjoyed a reputation for honesty among his people, who, as you have just read, so willingly subjected their claims to his sense of Judgement. We should take a cue from such instances of the Prophet Mohammed's (pbuh) life which is full of acts of great moral courage...

This is how Mohammed (pbuh), the son of Abdullah, the Prophet of Islam succeeded in uniting the ever-fighting and ignorant Arabs with his honesty, justice and noble character...

Indeed the Noble Qur'an says: "Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the latter day and remembers Allah much." (33:21)

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