Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hazrat Muhammad (saw) recited his morning Salat (Prayer) in the mosque along with other people. By this time, it was becoming bright and the people could be clearly seen. At this moment, Hazrat Muhammad (saw) saw a young man whose condition seemed to be not normal. His head could not rest properly on his body and was continuously moving this way and that way. Hazrat Muhammad (saw) looked at his face that had become pale; his eyes had gone deep into his face. His body had become thin and lean. Hazrat Muhammad (saw) asked him:

"In what condition are you?"

"I am in the condition of certainty, O Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (saw)". Replied the young man...

"Every certainty has got some symptoms which indicate its truth; what is the symptom of your certainty?"

My certainty is the one, which is associated with my misery. In the nights, it has taken away my sleep; and I pass the days with thirst. I have turned my back from the comforts of this world and have turned my face towards the other side. It is like this that I am seeing the Empyrean of Allah on the Day of Judgment and similarly I also see the resurrection of the whole of the creation of Allah. It is as if I am seeing the people in Heaven in pleasure and the people in Hell in severe torment. It is as if the deadly noise of the flames of the Hell-fire is just now ringing in my ears."

Hazrat Muhammad (saw) turned his face towards the people and said: "He is a worshipper of Allah whose heart has been illuminated by the light of faith."

Then Hazrat Muhammad (saw) turned towards the young man and said: "keep up this good state of yours for yourself." The young man said: "O Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (saw)! Pray that Allah gives me an opportunity for Jihad (holy war) and bless me with SHAHADAH (martyrdom) in the right path."

Hazrat Muhammad (saw) prayed. It did not take long when an opportunity arose for Jihad and that young man participated in that Jihad. The tenth person who got martyred in that war was none other than this young man...

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